Feeling Lost??

Dr Sowmya

Feeling Lost

Feeling lost is an intense feeling, isn’t it? The sensation of being adrift, untethered, and unable to comprehend what’s happening within you. It’s like standing in a fog, where nothing seems clear, and every step feels uncertain. Why do I feel this way, you wonder? What has caused this disconnection from myself, from my surroundings?

The reasons for feeling lost can be many and varied. Perhaps it’s a series of small disappointments, each adding a weight to your soul. Maybe it’s a significant life change, a new job, a move to a different city, or the end of a relationship. These experiences can leave you feeling unmoored, struggling to find your bearings.

How do you find your way out of this fog?

Start by reflecting daily. Catch the thoughts that arise with your feelings of being lost. When you feel overwhelmed, take a moment right then and there. Pen it down. Don’t worry about grammar or structure. Doodle if you must. Paint your emotions if words fail you. The key is to release whatever is triggering you.

This process is more than just journaling. When you are feeling lost often it’s about bringing what’s deeply seated within you to the conscious realm. Each time you write, observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Do not conclude or analyze. Just let them be.

As you continue this practice, you’ll gain glimpses of clarity. Those shadows that seemed so dense will start to dissipate. Slowly, what was hidden will come to light, and with each revelation, the feeling of being lost will diminish.

In this journey of self-discovery, patience is your ally. Be gentle with yourself. Understand that finding your way back is a process, from every step you take, you are closer to finding yourself again.

Dr. Sowmya is a physician and a life and business coach specializing in helping individuals navigate feelings of being lost and finding their true path. Her unique blend of medical expertise and coaching techniques provides a holistic approach to personal and professional growth.

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