The Roots of Diseases

Dr Sowmya

Roots of the disease

The Roots of Diseases: A Physician’s Perspective on a Fragmented Healthcare System

In the bustling clinics of India, the story often begins the same way: a patient arrives, detailing their symptoms. This familiar pattern sets off a chain of referrals, with each specialist focusing narrowly on their specific domain. But this fragmented approach often misses the forest for the trees.

The Fragmentation of Care

In our healthcare system, specialization is the norm. Cardiologists, nephrologists, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, and ENT specialists each focus on their respective organ systems. This compartmentalized approach seems logical at first glance. After all, a cardiologist is an expert in heart diseases, just as a nephrologist is an expert in kidney conditions. However, this method often overlooks a crucial fact: the human body is an integrated, interconnected whole.

When a patient is prescribed medication for heart disease, the drug doesn’t navigate exclusively to the heart, bypassing other organs and tissues. Medications circulate through the bloodstream, affecting multiple systems. A drug aimed at managing hypertension might relieve cardiac stress but pose risks to the kidneys. A dermatological treatment could have unforeseen impacts on liver function.

The Pros of Specialized Care

There are undeniable advantages to specialization. It allows for a deep, focused understanding of specific conditions. It enables the development of highly targeted treatments and advanced surgical techniques. Specialists are equipped with the latest knowledge and tools to address the nuances of diseases within their domain.

For patients, this can mean access to cutting-edge therapies and interventions. It ensures that the care received is grounded in the most current research and best practices within that specialty. The precision of specialized medicine has undoubtedly saved countless lives and improved the quality of life for many more.

The Invisible Drawbacks

Yet, the drawbacks, often unseen, can be significant. The primary issue is the lack of a holistic understanding. When healthcare is segmented into silos, the communication between specialists can be inadequate. A cardiologist might not fully grasp the implications of a patient’s dermatological condition, and vice versa. This can lead to fragmented care where the totality of the well-being is not comprehensively addressed.

Moreover, the potential side effects and interactions of medications prescribed by different specialists are sometimes overlooked. Each specialist might be focused on optimizing treatment for their specific organ, inadvertently ignoring how these treatments interact with other medications and conditions. Quick relief from symptoms does not mean all is well. The dumped debris has side effects and the root causes are tough to assess under those debris. Rather, it helps the system thrive by creating more prolonged and consistent issues that need addressing.

The Real Issue: Profit Over Patient Well-Being

One might wonder why these drawbacks aren’t more apparent or addressed. The answer, unfortunately, often lies in the profit-driven nature of the healthcare system. The immediate efficacy of specialized treatments tends to overshadow long-term health considerations. Patients and doctors prioritize quick relief from symptoms, sometimes at the expense of broader health implications.

Integration of various treatment methods, such as combining allopathic and Ayurvedic medicine, is often touted as a holistic solution. However, this so-called integration can sometimes be a guise for financial gain rather than genuine patient care. Some practitioners exploit the system by prescribing expensive allopathic treatments for immediate relief, followed by prolonged courses of alternative medicines to secure commissions. This approach prioritizes profit over the patient’s well-being, perpetuating a cycle of dependency and incomplete healing. The yearly subscription, unlimited free consultation plans, and other strategies often cater more to financial strategies than true health solutions.

Questionable Credentials and Costs

The reality in India also includes the questionable capabilities of some practitioners. Getting a medical certificate might make someone a doctor by name, but their actual capability can be questionable. The cost of medical seats, influenced by money rather than merit, further complicates the situation. These financial and systemic issues lead to a healthcare environment where the focus is often skewed away from genuine patient care.

The Challenge of Finding the Root Cause

Finding the root of a disease is not an easy job, and when one or more diseases are combined, the challenge becomes even greater. Finding the roots of the disease is the beginning. Suppose it is done then what to do with the roots of the diseases? They are not the root of a plant or a tree to pluck and throw away. Surgical removal is done for some diseases only. Can it be done to all? The roots of a disease are inside deeply rooted and entangled. Unseen by the human eyes or the machines often. Take time to think through.

Analyzing and understanding the complex interplay of multiple conditions is one of the most difficult skills in medicine. The value of this expertise is high and cannot be replaced by the most popular alternative substitutes. Quality health care is not cheap. Be ready for the best and leave away the rest.

The Individual’s Responsibility

Fighting a rotten system is not the solution. Instead, individuals must take responsibility for their health. This means thinking critically about the paths to choose and not falling into the trap of a faulty system that might look convenient and status-enhancing. By questioning and understanding their options, individuals can avoid the pitfalls of a system more concerned with profit than well-being. It’s a simple thought process: understand, think through, and make informed decisions to prioritize long-term health over short-term convenience.

Conclusion: While specialization has brought remarkable advances in medical science, it’s crucial to recognize its limitations. Individuals must be vigilant and proactive about their health, avoiding the allure of quick fixes and profit-driven care. Human being, in all its complexity, deserves a thoughtful, well-considered approach that prioritizes genuine health and well-being.

Meet the author for Precision in Healthcare. Dr. Sowmya offers exclusive, high-end programs that provide individualized, precision-based care, addressing the root causes of health issues with unmatched expertise. Choose excellence in healthcare—opt into Dr. Sowmya’s premium programs today. Connect with Dr.Sowmya 


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